Author: admin

Investment Commentary September 30 2014

At September 30, the Fund’s return was ahead of the Index by over 1%. In the recent and dramatic equity sell-off and partial recovery, the gap between the Fund’s return and the Index has increased. Selling-off less in a market decline and recovering faster than the Index is behaviour entirely consistent with the history of the Fund, attributable we believe to the financial strength of our companies. The decline in the Canadian dollar has clearly helped $CAD investors.

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Investment Commentary June 30 2013

As the summer draws to a close we thought you would like to receive an update on your fund’s progress. As you will see below, the short term performance has been very pleasing as it has kept pace with the strong returns of the overall US markets while in the longer term we are managing to outperform. In fact, we have compared our performance to those of the investment manager returns reviewed by one of Canada’s largest pension consultants and are pleased that we at the top for the 3 and 4 year periods of all US equity managers. This matches the performance expectations of the originally tested “tracking portfolio” and is the basis for the fund in which we have all invested.

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Investment Commentary December 31 2012

We are pleased to provide you with our year-end report summarizing our results for the past year and some current insights on the make-up of our existing portfolio. In the past year we have continued to hone our skills in the pursuit of great companies that are able to substantially increase their dividends in the year ahead. We believe we have assembled a portfolio of such companies all sharing the same reliable financial strength which will allow us to meet our expectations.

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