Bristol Gate Capital Partners Inc.
45 St Clair Avenue West Suite 601
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1K9
  • What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

Over 500 years ago, long before the London Stock Exchange was founded, the investors of the time sought their fortunes by trading for goods in far-off lands. Spices had become especially popular in the 15th century. In 1497, these merchants were convinced that if they could find a faster way to the Spice Route from Europe, they would have a significant competitive advantage. John Cabot, a Genoese sailor, was hired to find it.

When his ship sailed from the port of Bristol, England, Cabot applied his advanced scientific knowledge of longitudes, along with good old-fashioned sailing skills, in his quest to accomplish his goal. By sailing north, where the longitudes are closer together, the voyage would be shorter giving the traders the advantage they desired. Soon after, Cabot landed in what is now Newfoundland and became the explorer credited with the discovery of Canada. He had not found the secret Spice Route his backers had intended, but instead found something far greater – a great new land with abundant resources to provide significant and growing dividends to his investors for lifetimes to come
Our view of discovering great investments is very similar: Use the technologies that are available to help you separate the diamonds from the rhinestones. Then apply plain old-fashioned hard work to make sure they are not flawed. Dividends are our diamonds, and only great companies have the financial resources to be mined over a long period of time. We believe, as John Cabot did, that using science and art together will produce more-successful results than one without the other.

Looking through the same stone gate Cabot did in the city of Bristol 500 years ago, we see the advantages of seeking a world of investment opportunities that are not always fashionable but whose true value is providing the foundation of long-term sustainable wealth.

Looking through the same stone gate Cabot did in the city of Bristol 500 years ago, we see the advantages of seeking a world of investment opportunities that are not always fashionable but whose true value is providing the foundation of long-term sustainable wealth.